About Blossom

Our Story

Shelita Smith is the founder and Executive Director of Blossom. A graduate of Louisiana State University, it has always been her passion to serve families and children who are all too often underserved or forgotten. She was inspired to develop this organization after volunteering for CASA Baton Rouge as an advocate for neglected and abused children.

During Covid, she became more cognizant of the importance of our essential professionals' physical presence to our children and the effects of losing that.  Unfortunately, we are now seeing the results of our children having limited access to the courts, counselors, schools, doctor's appointments, emergency rooms, first responders, and our local volunteers.

Blossom was created to position our essential workers to advocate and help our children in emergency circumstances. It is all too often a student enters the classroom without their essentials to support their education. Through a partnership with parish public schools, our teachers and principals can request school supplies and uniforms for students to support their education throughout the school year. Our purpose will reduce bullying in schools, support disadvantaged children with their education, provide students an opportunity to make better grades, reduce juvenile crime, and relieve any additional burdens a child may endure that is beyond their control.

At the age of ten, Shelita lost her mother to domestic violence and found herself and her younger sister placed with their grandmother in Belle Rose, Louisiana. Shelita Smith understands the numerous circumstances in which a child may lose their primary caregiver and must move in with a relative or friend in an instant, or in some cases, be placed in a temporary foster care home. 

Smith created Blossom to support children and families during these difficult times. We have seen crime rise across our nation and partnering with our first responders will bridge the gap with our communities as they respond to calls and work in their respective areas. Our services will greatly help support our community and relieve such financial loads to many families.